Category: Diagnoses

Drip, Drip, Drip. Urinary Leaks.

Drip, Drip, Drip. Urinary Leaks.

Alrighty. I know it's been a while since I posted. Forgive me! But BIG things are happening in our little family, and we're expecting our first little one this fall! We're first time parents, and there's a lot going on. We're doing lots of reading, preparing, and most importantly prioritizing – our family comes first, […]

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Open Your Mouth

Open Your Mouth! For Singing, Yelling… Oh And For Pooping!

When I'm working with kids to help them develop better toileting mechanics, I often end up singing. We'll be in the bathroom, they're on the toilet, and I'm sitting on the floor in front of them, coaching them through (sometimes, I have such a glamorous job). From outside the bathroom, someone passing by might think […]

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