Free Consultation

Unconstipated Kids is happy to provide a free, 30-minute group consultation to help you discern if services with us are a good match to help you and your child. Our free mini course is one way you can get to know our ideologies and Dr Keller, but a telehealth consultation is another way you can get to know us!

Offered about once every month, one of our providers will video chat with a group of no more than 8 families to discuss services. The provider will review typically asked questions like:

  • What type of kiddos we typically see and help
  • What services we offer, and how they differ
  • Why we believe in our methods
  • What insurance reimbursement can look like
  • Time for additional questions from families

If you're interested in a free, 30-minute consultation, please do the following:

  1. Register for an account through our HIPAA compliant patient portal service, with PtEverywhere
  2. Click "Schedule"
  3. Click "Book an appointment"
  4. Scroll all the way to the bottom to "Free Group Consultation"
  5. Select your date and book!

Register for your free, 30-minute consultation here!