Athletes sometimes use their bodies in extreme positions or under extreme circumstances. Changes in strength, stability and range of motion of the body, especially in joints around the low back, hips and pelvis, can alter how a person is able to sense their urgency for toileting, as well as how effectively they are able to evacuate pee and poop from their body.
Most often, the example that people most think of is female gymnasts having urinary leaks. However, athletes of any age, sport, or gender can experience bowel and bladder challenges. Habits related to food and liquid consumption, workout rituals or patterns, and toileting habits can all affect bowel and bladder health and impact an athlete's ability to stay clean and dry. Any type of leakage at any time, especially during workouts, reflects a poorly working pelvic floor, and warrants an evaluation by a pelvic floor physical therapist.
Pediatric pelvic floor physical therapists are able to identify how changes in muscle strength, length, and joint health all may be impacting your athlete's toileting habits and can help correct the root cause of toileting difficulties without significantly affecting your child's sport!
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