Category: Developmental PT

define constipated

Define Constipated

Don't worry. The photo is of some AMAZING homemade, gluten-free fried chicken. Not… something else (💩)! But unfortunately, sometimes when poop stays inside our bodies for too long, poop dries, hardens, and takes the shapes of balls - as small as golf balls, and as large as softballs or grapefruit! (Yes, I've seen both of […]

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Do I Dare Say These Words?

Do I Dare Say These Words?

Potty training. It seems like I've heard it all. Wait until they independently take their dirty diapers off. Start before they turn 12 months. Run water and make noises to get them to pee on the toilet. Use stickers and rewards to motivate them. Let them roam free without diapers and they'll potty train themselves. […]

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Four Months Old

Four Months Old

I recently read a study that reported that constipation can present in children as young as 4 months of age. Four months. That may seem young, but unfortunately I'd challenge that study – as a practitioner, I've seen children with constipation younger than that. When I'm working with an infant, or I'm asking an older […]

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What's Wrong With a Little W?

What’s Wrong With a Little W?

Every day, we use different habits. Unfortunately, some of those habits can influence our life in a negative way. For example, if you habitually have a 'just in case' pee before you leave the house every day, eventually, you may not be able to stay dry through a 2 hour plane ride, because your body […]

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